Friday, September 21, 2018

Testing the Hypothesis Part 1

Problem: When Bikers are biking and there are pedestrians in the way that are so into their phones that they don’t hear the biker’s warnings.
Who has the problem: Bikers
What is the problem: Pedestrians don’t pay attention and can’t hear biker’s warnings.
Why is there a problem: Because they are on their phones and oblivious to their surroundings.

My first interview was with a biker that felt he had the same problem with pedestrians not listening to him. He said that that it was because people have headphones on are listening to music. He also told me that it wasn’t only people but cars as well which are difficult to signal.

My second interview was with another biker. She said that she would get very frustrated especially during the class change at her inability to bike because no one pays attention to her. She believed people would not move or listen to her because people hate to be bothered. That they would rather the biker get off and walk before they for him/her.

My third interview was with a non-biker pedestrian. She told me that she was guilty of using her phone all the time she is walking between classes. She says that she does it to check up on her social media and to try to look busy so that the ‘survey’ people don’t talk to her. She said that she doesn’t mean to be in the way of bikers and will be more attentive next time.

My fourth interview was with another non-biker pedestrian. He is a runner and told me that he has the same problem with people in his way in sidewalks. He said that he has to stop running and lose his tempo to tell the people in front of him to move or try to squeeze in between them.

My fifth interview was with a non-biker. She said that she has this problem whenever she is in a place like a big city with many people walking and barely any room on the sidewalks. She says that some people just start to talk on the sidewalk and essentially form a wall. They are so involved in their conversations that they don’t realize other pedestrians are trying to get through them.

Thanks to the interviews I now know that my opportunity expands beyond just bikers. It expands to runners and other pedestrians as well. The problem also does not just lie with pedestrians being on their phones. They can also be listening to music or be conversing with other pedestrians.

1 comment:

  1. Good opportunity Daniel. Unfortunately, everybody seems to be occupied with their cell phones. I am surprised that the bikers don’t have their own designated travel space rather than trying to maneuver through walkers. I know a lot of cities like the bikers to ride in the street but then you get hit by the person driving their car looking at their phone. Your device will have to be loud enough to be heard above loud playing ear buds and beats headphones. It sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought in to your product.
