Friday, September 14, 2018

5A Identifying Local Opportunities

The bike in the middle of Biscayne Bay: Why we can't have nice things in Miami.
Miami is a very unbikable city. It has the highest rates of bike related accidents in the US. Many bike sharing companies have to tried to operate in Miami but have had a very hard time doing so. Residents want to use the bikes but find it difficult to bike anywhere safely. There are very few bike lanes or bike roads. Even still some drivers go out of their way to inconveniece bikers. Some people strip the bikes for parts and bring the frame far from Miami. One frame was even found at the bottom of Biscayne bay. 
The problem is that people in Miami want to use bikes but do not do so because it is unsafe to bike in Miami.
The people with the problem are bikers in Miami.

Alan Jackson's son-in-law dies in slip and fall accident in Florida

A man dies when he slips and falls on a dock while helping a woman onto a boat.

The problem is that docks can be slippery and can cause injury when falling on them or between a dock and boat.

The people with the problem are boaters and anyone that walks on a marina dock.

As a young voter, I request early polling sites at Miami-Dade college campuses

Early voting is not allowed on college campuses in Miami Dade County. Many students have very busy schedules and many times just traversing traffic in Miami is a struggle on its own. The author of the article wants to spur a movement for lawmakers to allow college campuses in Miami Dade County to host early voting. It would help increase the turnout rate for students tremendously.

The problem is that students in Miami cannot do early voting on their college campus.

The people affected by the problem are students in Miami.

Fire drills and false alarms are re-traumatizing Stoneman Douglas students, teachers

False Fire alarms are going off at Marjory Stoneman Douglas HighSchool. These firealarms are giving the students and teachers PTSD from shooting that transpired some months back. The school is expected to conduct 10 routine code red alarms, and 10 routine fire alarms during this school year. The teachers and students believe it is an unecessary amount and will only worsen the conditon of the students that have struggled to move past the dreadful day.

 The problem is that the students and teachers are getting PTSD from the fire and code red alarms.

The people affected by the problem are the students and teachers that were at the school earlier this year.

New music fest could be coming to South Beach. Is the city ready for its own Coachella?

South Beach is going to be the home to a brand new music festival starting on November 2019. Locals are worried about how it will impact the traffic and general livelyhood during those days. They compared it to spring break earlier this year and how the Miami Beach Police Dep. had to close a highway to restrict incoming traffic.

The problem is that locals are worried about their home island being too crowded from the three day event.

The people affected are the resident of Miami Beach.


  1. Hi Danny;

    Overall, I believe that your post does an outstanding job of identifying local opportunities. I agree with you when you make the point that people in Miami want to use bicycles, but they do not bike because it is not safe to do so in Miami. It struck me that a man died after falling on a boat dock while helping a woman onto a boat. As you mention—and as I believe is pretty obvious, the problem is that the docks can be slippery and can cause this kind of accidents. It is striking to me that no one came up with a solution to this problem yet. Although I was able to agree with you in the above points, I believe that the issue that students in Miami cannot do early voting in their college campus does not only affect students in Miami, but it also affects the all the people involved in the decision to place early polling sites at Miami-Dade college campuses. For example, the U.S. District Judge Mark Walker, the Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner, Mayor Carlos Gimenez and Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections Christina White. For the future, I recommend you to look at whose involved at the “other side” of the problem. Go Gators!

  2. Danny, great job finding local opportunities. I agree that the early voting on college campuses would cause an increase in young voters and I would love to have that opportunity to vote on campus. As for the Music Festival crowding Miami, I have a personal experience because where I am from we have a music festival called Gulf Coast Jam. Traffic is always horrible during this event and no local even bothers leaving the house.
