Friday, September 21, 2018

Solving the Problem

The opportunity that I am addressing is the problem of pedestrians being oblivious and not paying attention to bikers or runners.

I am going to solve the problem with a small device that emits a highly directional “chirp” at a high frequency. The high frequency would be similar to a dog whistle but just low enough for humans to hear. When I say directional, I mean that the device only shoots the chirp in a cone about 45 degrees wide in whichever direction the device is pointed. The device can be handheld for runners or it can be clipped to a bike handle. It would be small, light, and made of plastic. The price target would be about $20.


  1. Danny, this is a great idea and would be especially good for all the bike use on campus. It's awesome that this product can appeal to anyone, allowing for a flexible who and what. I would further explore the sound that the cone would make to ensure that it can be heard in a busy street without being too annoying.

  2. I would definitely buy one. I long board around off campus to get to my car and every one is so absorbed in their phones or their music that I have had to hop off multiple times to avoid running into people.
