Friday, September 7, 2018

2A Bug List

When I am biking to class and the campus is so crowded during class switch that I need to get off my bike and just walk.
Why: People are changing classes and need to be out on the sidewalk to walk to their next class.

People being unattentive on their phone and headphones and won't listen when I tell them to get out of the way while I am biking.
Why: People like listening to music and look at their phones to make their walks less boring.

When I am going to put my bike at bike rack but it is full and I need to lock my bike to the bike rack at another building.
Why: There are only so many spots available on one bike rack and many students bike to class. 

When my laptop's battery is dying in class and there aren't any electricity plugs nearby.
Why: Laptop batteries can only hold so much charge and not every building is outfitted with tons of power outlets.

When my roommate leaves the dirty dishes stacked in the sink.
Why: He is either late for class and in a rush or just being lazy.

When I have to wait an hour or more in line to get into any club or bar in Gainesville.
Why: The Bar/Club is probably full and can only let people trickle in to maintain a certain capacity of customers.

When I have to make dinner and then open the refrigerator to find out my roommate has eaten all the food.
Why: He was probably very hungry and needed to eat.

When my roommate lets the garbage fill up and doesn't bother to throw it out when he adds more to it and it starts overflowing.
Why: He is lazy or it is raining outside.

When I am walking to class and I get soaked when it starts raining randomly because there are no covered pathways on campus.
Why: Rain is a common occurrence in Gainesville and the school does not believe it is worth it to build covered pathways.

When I am walking to the bus stop and miss the bus.
Why: I did not leave my apartment on time or the bus got to the stop earlier than expected.

When I have to call customer service for any company and they route me to seven different operators and spend an hour on hold.
Why: Most of those call centers have a bureaucracy that forces them to spread out different jobs unnecessarily. Also, there are many callers.

When a package that I ordered on Amazon is delayed and arrives a couple days after the scheduled time.
Why: It is probably a high demand time and Amazon cannot keep up with the number of orders.

When my flight gets delayed for whatever reason and then I need to spend several hours waiting for the plane or a replacement.
Why: The plane encountered bad weather or there was a mechanical issue that caused the delay.

When I am on the bus going between Gainesville and Miami and the seat is uncomfortable and I have to suffer through it for 6 hours.
Why: The cheaper bus routes don't have enough funds to allocate towards upgrading the seats.

When I am taking a proctor U exam and my internet cuts out for a couple of seconds and I have an anxiety attack.
Why: There was probably an issue with Cox Communication or my modem had an error.

When my Uber driver only talks about problems he has had with other passengers.
Why: The driver is probably very frustrated with his day and needs to vent.

When I go to a Department store and the staff keeps pestering to help me and sell some clothes to me that I don't want.
Why: They are working on commision and need to push sales in order to earn more money.

When my favorite artist is having a concert in my hometown but I have an exam that day and I can't go.
Why: The two events unfortunately lined up on the same day.

When I am doing a group project and no one when I ask for help or a question in the group chat no one responds for several hours.
Why: They are probably busy with something else or just don't care about the class.

When I call for an uber and they do circles around me but for some reason can't seem to find the right street to turn into to get to me even though they have a GPS.
Why: Some drivers chose to not use a GPS because they don't trust it (This was an actual excuse a driver gave me once).  Other drivers are just incompetent.

Reflection: The list was difficult at first. However, once I started thinking of a couple, my mind just started snowballing and was overflowing with bugs. I think when reading my list it's fairly easy to see my train of thought spiraling and going every which way.


  1. Danny, I agreed with so many of your comments. I also added Florida’s spontaneous rain on my list because I always show up to class soaked (you'd think I would have learned by now to bring an umbrella). I added how annoying being on hold was as well. Another comment that you added that drives me crazy but I didn't think about, was the one about how the Uber driver can never find you. That has literally happened so many times to me and I am so confused why. In addition, I have had similar problems with ProctorU and its so scary. Great List!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Danny,
    I identify with probably all of the things you have mentioned. Especially about the planes being delayed. I think that is probably one of my biggest pet peeves and it happens to me almost every time. I have been in an airport alone for 12 hours and I missed both connecting flights. I also have the same problem with long boarding around campus. I don't really even try anymore.

  4. Hello Danny;

    I related to many of the items from your list, especially the one that says that you get bugged when your laptop’s battery is dying in class, and there are not any electricity plugs nearby. I even find it funny because this often happens to me and I end up irritated. Also, I agree with your “why” for this “bug” but would even add more to it. I would say that there are not enough power outlets installed in most buildings. It is irritating to have to stand up to find a place to charge the laptop or interrupt work because of this “bug”. Also, you mention calling customer service and spending hours on hold—that was on my bug list as well. These calls put us on hold for hours, which entirely restrict us. We cannot put the phone down and do other things because we must stay listening. Go Gators!
