Friday, September 28, 2018

9A Testing the hypothesis part 2

My first interview was with a parent who said that she wishes she had an easy way of getting their kids attention when they are on their phones or listening to loud music. She said that it's annoying having to go all the way to their rooms and yell so that they listen. 
My second interview was with a teacher that wishes he had a way of getting her students attention in class. She says that the students get on their phones or are browsing Pinterest or Facebook instead of watching and participating in the lecture.
My third interview was with a dog walker that said her dog barely listens to her when it starts barking at random birds and animals. She explained that the dog won't stop getting distracted by things no matter how much she tries to pull at the leash or tell him "stop it!"
The fourth interview was with a student that said her boyfriend doesn't listen to her when he's playing video games. She explained to me that he gets so invested and zoned in that he won't hear when she is talking to her. She says that she wants an easy way of getting his attention easily. 
The fifth interview was with a nurse that said she notices some of her co-workers were distracted doing various things and were missing the calls from their patients. She said that she wanted a way that was easy for the nurses to be alerted without being disruptive.
What: Nurses, teachers, couples, dog owners. They fall outside of the boundary because they are not doing an athletic activity that merits the opportunity. 
What: People that just want to get someone's attention are not in the boundary of this opportunity. This opportunity is about helping athletic activities be safe and uninterrupted. 
Why: The outsiders' need is about getting the attention of people that don't need to be alerted urgently. Also, they already have another means of getting their attention.
Inside the boundary
Outside the boundary
Who is in: Bikers, Runners
Who is not: Nurses, Teachers, couples, dog owners.
What the Need is: Pedestrians don’t pay attention and can’t hear biker’s warnings.
What the Need is not: getting the attention of people that are not in harm's way or causing harm. 
Why the Need exists:  The pedestrians are on their phones and oblivious to their surroundings
Alternative Explanations: These people are distracting themselves in a manner that does not affect those around them negatively. 


  1. Good job on testing the hypothesis Daniel. It sounds like there is a good market for something to get people’s attention. People are very distracted in society mainly due to electronic devices. As I was reading your article and listening to Dr. Pryor’s lecture about association I started thinking maybe the cell phone needs a way to make a loud noise to get a person’s attention.

  2. Hey Danny,

    Good job with part two of this exercise. I see why you are limiting your device to athletic activities although I do see that people could buy this product for other uses, or use this product for other uses once they have it. I am sure if you advertise it a certain way that it would only sell towards your intended customer. I feel as though in the wrong hands, this device could be a menace to society if it does create an annoying noise.
