Friday, October 5, 2018

11A Idea Napkin

  1. I am a second generation immigrant and have been raised by a family defined by hard work and devotion to its success. I aspire to lead my family further and set the standard for my cousins and siblings. I have experience with entrepreneurship as both sides of my family have their own businesses that I have spent time working in. This business would be at the forefront of my life and I would be solely focused on making it succeed. 
  2. What am I offering customers? I am offering my customers convenience and safety. They will no longer need to struggle and stop their favorite activity because of ignorant pedestrians.
  3. Who am I offering it to? I am offering it to customers that don't have patience, are fairly athletic, and are safety conscious. 
  4. Why do they care? My customers will care because they all have the same mutual hatred of pedestrians that don't move out of the way and can put you in harm's way as you try to avoid hitting them.
  5. What are my core competencies? What sets me apart from everyone else is that there currently isn't another product on the market that does what mine does. There are bike horns and bells but they don't work when people have headphones on which is the majority of pedestrians nowadays. 
I believe that my elements fit together. My hardworking nature is going to help develop the product and enable it to succeed. My potential customers definitely have this issue. All of their needs that I am fulfilling definitely do match up with why they care for it. The product allows them to exercise outdoors safely. Because the product is about safety and improving the quality of life of the potential customers, I believe that the 3 middle elements tie in nicely without any outliers. The core competency of my product is the reason that my customers would buy it in the first place so that ties in with the other elements as well. 


  1. Daniel, I agree that your elements fit together nicely. This is a great product, especially here or any college campus. This is because many people ride bikes to class, or simply just wish to go for a run after a long day of studying. This is a great way to promote safety when doing activities you love on busy sidewalks. good Job.

  2. Hey Danny,
    Good job with this assignment. I am curious about what this product would look like. I do not have much patience with people on the sidewalk when I'm longboarding around campus so I definitely fall into the buyer group. I am glad you have considered people wearing headphones. I usually just use my voice but that doesn't work with headphones most the time unless you shout.
