Friday, October 5, 2018

12A Figuring out Buyer Behavior 1

The market segment I am focusing on for this assignment is students with a bike as their primary method of transportation.

My first interview was with a female freshman at the University of Florida. She was telling me that she was late for class because as she was leaving Publix, where she bought her groceries, the sidewalk was very crowded and no one made any room for her to go through even though she was asking politely. She said that when she doesn't research a way to fix the problem. All she does is complain about it to her friends.

My second interview was with a male junior at the Univerity of Florida. He told me how whenever it was time for the class change it was near impossible to ride his bike because of the sheer amount of people on the sidewalk. He told me that whenever he bikes anywhere, he looks up if there is a wide bike lane so that he does not have to use the sidewalk and can avoid pedestrians.

My third interview was with a male senior at the University of Florida. He told me that in the past 6 semesters of going to school at UF he always had a hard time biking anywhere during class change because of the crowds. He says that sometimes he looks for bike lanes to avoid pedestrians, but that still doesn't help much because there are many students that jaywalk carelessly. These jaywalkers force him to stop abruptly. One time they even caused him to fall and scrape his leg because he lost balance as he was trying to avoid a collision.

The interviews all shared similarities in terms of where it occurred and most were around the same time. Information search was not very prevalent with them. This segment has the need on campus around class change time which is 15 minutes of every hour from 8am to about 5pm. They do not look for solutions to the problem apart from looking for bike lanes.

1 comment:

  1. Good interview for buyer behavior Daniel. I am really surprised that the campus doesn’t have separate bike lanes everywhere for bikers to use safely. Although a lot of bikers understand that then you must deal with distracted drivers and worry about getting hit by a car if they are next to the road. I guess if your product doesn’t work you can always develop a push bar for the front of the bikes to push people out of the way. Just joking, keep up the good work.
