Friday, October 26, 2018

18 - Create a Customer Avatar

"College Student that uses a bike to go to class." This customer enjoys biking for exercising and transportation. They don't have kids. They watch The Office and Game of Thrones. The customer doesn't have a car. They are about 19 years old. They feel 19 years old. I have many things in common with this avatar. I don't believe it is a coincidence. The product was created based on a need I have and I would be one of those customers. Therefore, I based the avatar on myself.


  1. Hi Daniel;
    Overall, I think your customer avatar does a great job of describing your prototypical customer in the segment you chose. It is easy to visualize your customer through the main aspects you define in your post, such as age, hobbies, etc. However, I believe you can go even further on your description. For the future, I think that going deeper on imagining and therefore describing more aspects of your avatar will allow us to have an even more robust view of who your customer is. Go Gators!

  2. Daniel, good job describing your potential costumer. You put that they would be in college, which works well because people use bikes as transportation on many college campuses. When I did the assignment, I also thought me having things in common with my costumer was not a coincidence. After all, you come up with solutions to a problem you or your friends encounter. good job.
