Friday, November 9, 2018

Elevator Pitch # 3

Elevator Pitch 3

The feedback on the previous elevator pitch was very positive. It was encouraging to know that my pitch had improved from the first time.
This time the only major change that I made was to quicken the pace a little bit as I think that my speech pace was too slow before and did not keep the audience as engaged. I definitely felt more comfortable in front of the camera and only needed two takes to get it right this time.


  1. Daniel, that is great that despite getting only positive feedback, you reflected on your own performance and decided that you needed to be more engaging with the listener. I agree with you that you seemed to be a lot more comfortable in front of the camera this time around. It seems that it is getting easier for you in the fact that it only took two takes as well. Your pacing was great, but I know I struggle with this as well, maybe add some voice inflection to show emphasis on important parts of the pitch. Good job.

  2. Hi Daniel, great job on your 3rd elevator pitch. While your pitch has improved also from your first pitch it seems similar to the first one you completed because your first pitch was done so well. You are a good speaker and appear to be very comfortable speaking in front of a camera or a group. Part of it may be that you are very familiar with your product and idea that it flows well for you. I too was surprised at how much easier these pitches are becoming after just two previous attempts.
