Friday, November 30, 2018

26 Celebrating Failure

Fortunately, I have not had any major failures this semester. The only failure I can really think of was that I had forgotten to do one of the first cupcakes. I had woken up late and went about my Monday morning routine more hurriedly than normal. I got out of bed, ate breakfast, and was out the door and on my bike heading to campus. It did not occur to me until after my noon class was over that I had forgotten to do the cupcake. I usually do it on Mondays soon after waking up. I remembered about the cupcake once I was walking to Heavner to watch Professor Pryor's lecture.
From this experience, I learned that I had to set an actual schedule for the cupcakes and get them done over the weekend. I realized that leaving it up to my groggy Monday morning brain was perhaps not the greatest idea I have had. 
Failures like those are hard because I know they could have been avoided. Luckily by learning from that failure, I am sure to not make the same mistake again. I have always been more on the cautious side so I'm not sure I am more likely to take risks than before. I still like to heavily outweigh the pros and cons of a situation before going along with it. 

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