Friday, December 7, 2018

Final Reflection

What stuck out to me as the most formative experience was writing about my failures. The creation of a small business was a great theory exercise but it wasn't as great as the internal reflection on failure. That definitely helped me grow. My most joyous experience was reading about Elon Musk and all of the wondrous things he has created with his knowledge and willpower. I believe that I can see myself as more of an entrepreneur. My friends often point out that I tend to take charge when a situation starts going astray without anyone asking because I know I can do it and do it right. I definitely believe this class has moved me closer to the entrepreneurial mindset. What I would recommend to students that take this class in the future would be to really take their time with the assignments and really try to become passionate about their products. If they are not passionate about the product then they will fail to see the point of the course, and that is to know what it is like to be an entrepreneur.
Image result for Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Daniel, I also really liked the assignment of reflecting on past failures because I could see how much I had grown from them. Like you, I liked the reading reflections and learning about that person and their entrepreneurial experiences. In my post, I told future students to stay on top of their assignments and use a planner to stay organized. I agree with your advice of telling them to be passionate about their venture because they will get more out of the class that way and have more fun doing so. I have enjoyed reading your post this semester. Keep up the good work.
